Special Offers*

Access our database growing at the rate of 150 resumes daily. Advertise your jobs and reach out to Student & Jobseekers. Each job would remain live for 30 days from the date of posting.

3 Days Package 7 Days Package 15 Days Package Contact Us
300 CV Access 650 CV Access 1400 CV Access To Know more
1000 Emails 2500 Emails 6000 Emails Build your own packages
Rs. 1786 Rs. 3500 Rs. 6000 Get instant Access

Package Structure 2

Access our database growing at the rate of 150 resumes daily. Advertise your jobs and reach out to 7 million unique visitors. Each job would remain live for 30 days from the date of posting.

7 Days Validity 15 Days Validity 1 Month Validity 3 Months Validity
600 CV Access 1300 CV Access 2000 CV Access 4000 CV Access
600 Emails 1300 Emails 2000 Emails 20000 Emails
Rs. 3999 Rs. 6999 Rs. 9999 Rs. 19,999

Package Structure 3

Access our database growing at the rate of 150 resumes daily. Advertise your jobs and reach out to 7 million unique visitors. Each job would remain live for 30 days from the date of posting.

Single Posting 5 Job Posting 10 Job Posting 250 Job Posting
200 CV Access 300 CV Access 400 CV Access 3000 CV Access
1 Month Validity 1 Month Validity 1 Month Validity Unlimited Days Validity*
Rs. 800 Rs. 1800 Rs. 3000 Rs. 19,999